Sunday, June 10, 2018

Melodious Singapore and its Old European Manners. Menikmati!

Tropical Melodious Singapore. A heavily populated Country about the size of Chicago with just over 3 million people, and old European manners. So here are a few tips:

  • Don't point. Don't point at anyone with your chopsticks either. It's considered rude.
  • Don't stare. Staring is used for punishment by Mothers when children are bad. When sitting, don't swing or point your shoe at anyone. The sole of the shoe is considered unclean and is an insult. If you must, when sitting, cross your legs at the ankles, but best to try & keep both feet squarely planted on the ground.
  • Smiling or laughing is used often as a cover for embarrassment. 
  • Don't touch your head. The head is sacred.
  • Don't walk around in public with your hands in your pockets. Placing your hands in your pockets is VERY casual. Not formal at all, and not used in formal business meetings, unless one is done with business. A man with his hand in his pocket for a prolonged period of time looks like...well, I'll leave it up to y'all to conclude. 
  • Dress is smart casual chic. Men wear trousers always. No shorts. Collared shirts. Ladies dress modestly. Conservatively. Only the stereotypical "Ugly American" tacky tourists wear shorts and have pieces and parts hanging out. 
  • Speak softly. The world is not your college campus. Don't be the stereotypical loud "Ugly American." 
  • Don't make hand gestures. Don't pound your palm on a table, as this gesture is considered obscene. Better to stay away from all hand and finger gestures all together. 
  • Learn a few "magic words." Hello, please, thank you, good morning, etc. Malay is the official language. Selamat ('suh-lah-mat') = Hello. Selamat pagi ('pag-ee') = Good Afternoon. Selamat Petang ('puh-tong') = Good Evening. Sila = please. Terima Kasih = Thank you. 
  • Singaporean society is steeped in Confucian traditions. Disciplined. Loyal. Respectful. Religions break down as follows: 30% Taoist, 30% Buddhist, 20% Muslim, 10% Christian, 4% Hindu.
  • Compliments are sometimes declines as humility is important.
  • To get the attention of a waiter, raise your hand, not finger.
  • Always wash your hands before eating. This act is considered polite.
  • When eating out, allow your Host to order. The Host starts the meal first.
  • Dishes are all placed on the table at once and shared "family style" by all.
  • Sometimes a spoon is used to eat along with your fingers from your right hand to eat. NEVER use your left hand to eat. The left hand is used for the toilet. The left hand is considered an insult.
  • Even numbers signify good fortune.
  • Never give a gift of odd numbers & especially not the number 13. Bad luck.
  • Use BOTH hands to give someone else a business card, or gift, and accept a business card, and gift, with both hands. Do NOT then put the business card in your back pocket. Yup. the pocket again. Stay away from pockets!
  • Never give a government official a gift. This act is considered a bribe.
  • Wrap gifts elegantly, but never in black, blue or white. White is a funeral color. Red is a great color. Red signifies happiness and prosperity. High quality gifts are preferred, and in even numbers. Never give white flowers, or flowers in an odd number. Do not give chrysanthemums as they are the traditional funeral flower. Acceptable gifts are candy, cakes, scotch, brandy, perfume or something from your home Country or region (i.e. Virginia peanuts). Do not give beef, pork or knives.
  • Carry your prescriptions for any medications with you. There are strict laws regarding drugs and prescriptions. 
  • Don't litter, jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk or chew gum in public.
Basically, use your best manners, be quietly observant and take in your experiences. Eat local delicacies and enjoy! Menikmati!

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